11571 Prospect Hill Drive, Gold River, CA  95670 | (916) 638-7368 (office) | (916) 812-2540 (cell) | michael.bumgardner@att.net

Mr. Bumgardner has a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University 
of California at Davis.  He also spent several years in the Joint Doctoral Program 
in Ecology at the University of California at Davis and San Diego State University studying the physiological ecology of egg-laying snakes before moving on to consulting.

He holds a federal scientific take permit for California gnatcatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, California Ridgeway's rail, and California tiger salamander 
(No. TE-785564-7).  He also holds a California Department of Fish and Wildlife scientific collector’s permit (No. SC-007184) and letter of agreement (LOA) to conduct surveys for yellow-billed cuckoo, willow flycatcher, California gnatcatcher, California black rail, and California Ridgeway's rail.

He serves on the Science Subteam of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 
Recovery Team for the Santa Barbara County Population of California tiger salamander and has served as a guest lecturer for courses on Ecological Methods (Sierra Community College) and Conservation Biology (Sacramento State University).

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