11571 Prospect Hill Drive, Gold River, CA 95670 | (916) 638-7368 (office) | (916) 812-2540 (cell) | michael.bumgardner@att.net
Mr. Bumgardner, President of BBC, has more than 25 years of experience in the environmental compliance industry that includes the following services:
- Preparing documents that comply with the statutory requirements and guidelines for federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultations, Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permits, Section 10(a)(1)(A) safe harbor agreements, and California Fish and Game Code Section 2081 management agreements and Section 2080.1 consistency determinations.
- Managing and conducting protocol and other surveys (including photo-documentation) for special-status species including, but not limited to: valley elderberry longhorn beetle, California tiger salamander, arroyo toad, western spadefoot, mountain yellow-legged frog, California red-legged frog, desert tortoise, western pond turtle, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, giant garter snake, California Ridgeway's rail, California black rail, spotted owl, burrowing owl, northern goshawk, Swainson’s hawk, least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, California gnatcatcher, and San Joaquin kit fox.
- Preparing impact analyses involving sensitive habitats and special-status species, designing feasible mitigation measures or programs to reduce significant impacts on biological resources, and resolving project conflicts with biological resources.
- Conducting environmental constraints analyses, feasibility studies, habitat suitability evaluations, and large project biological compliance monitoring.
- Managing and preparing environmental documents that comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Coastal Act, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Rules of Procedure, and requirements of international lending institutions (e.g., Overseas Private Investment Corporation, World Bank, etc.).
- Providing expert witness services for both domestic and foreign environmental compliance processes.
Quality Biological Services Through Technical Proficiency and Experienced Management